Our mission is to deliver high quality evidence-based practices and services that result in positive academic, behavioral, and social achievements in the education community.
We believe that all students deserve a quality education. That the foundation for learning rests in relationships, implementation science, and research-based teaching and learning practices. And that systematic behavior supports are essential for the success of a school community.
Our organization was founded on our deeply held belief in the need to share evidence-based Knowledge in education, to achieve measurable Outcomes in schools, and to make a real and lasting Impact on the lives of educators, students and their families. The values of Knowledge, Outcomes, Impact became the acronym for KOI Education and our guiding principles.
Looking for resources?
Download FREE handouts, templates and resources for PBIS, classroom management, data analysis, CICO, FBA, BIP, and more. You can also find worksheets from our trainings, webinars and conference presentations. All our resources use a Creative Commons license meaning so you can adapt and share our handouts. We know educators need to copy and redistribute these materials to staff, students and families. And as creative professionals you need the ability to remix, transform, and build upon our material. With KOI Resources you can do both!