10 Crazy Wellness Strategies That Just Might Work

Ugh, Not Another Dumb List…

There is something disingenuous in a society that tells educators, “Take Care of Yourself, and here are 13 additional uncompensated responsibilities we are adding to your plate”. Ummmm, no thank you! However, as altruistic as many educators are, we also have to learn to take care of our own physical and mental well-being because we really shouldn’t count on our employer or anyone else to do it for us. Fool me once, shame on you - Fool me again and again, shame on me. So here is our list of wellness strategies for an unwell world.

Double Dog Dare You to Try These at School

  • Desk Yoga Delight
    Encourage teachers to indulge in mini-yoga sessions at their desks, incorporating stretches and breathing exercises to rejuvenate both body and mind during brief breaks.

  • Pencil Push-up Challenge
    Turn the mundane task of grading papers into a physical workout by doing push-ups for every stack of papers completed. It's a fun way to stay active while tackling the never-ending pile of assignments.

  • Hallway Hide-and-Seek
    Organize a playful game of hide-and-seek during lunch breaks or after school hours. It's a fantastic way to release stress and bond with colleagues while getting some much-needed physical activity.

  • Mindful Marking Moments
    Encourage educators to practice mindfulness while grading papers. Take a moment to focus on breathing and staying present, allowing for a more relaxed and efficient grading experience.

  • Laughter Lounge
    Dedicate a corner of the staff room to a laughter lounge where teachers can unwind with funny videos, jokes, or comedy sketches during breaks. Laughter is the best medicine for stress relief!

  • Dance Party Detox
    Host impromptu dance parties in the staff room or empty classrooms, complete with energizing music and funky dance moves. It's a fantastic way to shake off stress and boost mood instantly.

  • Brain Break Bonanza
    Incorporate short, energizing brain breaks into lesson plans to keep both students and teachers refreshed and focused throughout the day. Activities like quick stretches, breathing exercises, or fun trivia quizzes can do wonders.

  • Picnic Power Hour
    Take advantage of sunny days by organizing outdoor picnics for staff during lunch breaks. Fresh air, good food, and pleasant company can work wonders for recharging weary minds and bodies.

  • Zen Zone Zest
    Create a designated zen zone within the school premises where educators can retreat for moments of quiet reflection, meditation, or simply to enjoy a peaceful atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of daily responsibilities.

  • DIY De-Stress Station
    Set up a DIY de-stress station in the staff room stocked with stress-relief tools such as coloring books, puzzles, stress balls, and aromatherapy oils. It's a convenient way for teachers to unwind and recharge whenever they need a break.


Contact us and tell us which strategy you tried and if, at the very least, it gave you a bit of wellness in your day.