Top 3 Guiding Principles of School Climate and Safety

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Many schools across the nation struggle with the issue of discipline. Often, it is unconsciously discriminating against students on the basis of race, color, or national origin. However, the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Justice are has issued guidance to assist public elementary and secondary schools in meeting their obligations under Federal law to administer student discipline without discrimination. The Departments strongly support schools in their efforts to create and maintain safe and orderly educational environments that allow our nation’s students to learn and thrive. 

Thousands of schools have adopted comprehensive, appropriate, and effective programs such as PBIS that have demonstrated an ability to: (1) reduce disruption and misconduct; (2) support and reinforce positive behavior and character development; and (3) help students succeed. Successful programs may incorporate a wide range of strategies to reduce misbehavior and maintain a safe learning environment, including conflict resolution, restorative practices, counseling, and structured systems of positive interventions including PBIS and MTSS.

The three Guiding Principles recommended by the U.S. Department of Education to further improve school safety include focusing on:

  1. Prevention

  2. Clear Expectations

  3. Equity

These Principles include over a dozen action steps that schools can take on their journey to improving the learning environment for all. In addition to the Guiding Principles document, several other resources are available from the federal government. 

KOI Education has been providing comprehensive training for schools and districts across the nation and around the world on PBIS, school climate, and safety for over a decade. Let us show you how we can help schools implement the Guiding Principles outlined in these articles today. Contact us for more information.