5 Classroom Management Tech Tools


Get Techie and Do More With LessThis past week, Mashable published an article with a great summary of technology tools you can use to help manage the 1000's things you need to do daily in today's busy classroom. If you are looking for help with integrating technology into your school life or you want some advanced and in-depth training on using learning technologies give us a call, tweet, or post on our Facebook wall! We are your #1 source for professional development training in Arizona.5 Digital ToolsFor more details, visit the story on Mashable!

  1. Edutopia
  2. Teacher Vision
  3. New Teacher GPS app (iPhone)
  4. Smart Teacher app (Android)
  5. Prezi

Give yourself 5 stars if you have heard of these before and 5 bonus points if you use at least 3 of them in school. If not, we can help. We are your #1 source for professional development training in Arizona. And we can even help you create PBIS and RTI systems.