How to Create Epic New Year's Resolutions


Happy New Year 2015!

As we boldly rush into the future, January is the traditional time of year to create resolutions for a new year and a new and improved YOU. This year, @CoolCatTeacher has provided a very cool guide for 3 Steps to Make 2015 Epic. Read all about it here.

Epic Resolutions:

  1. Learn From Mistakes and Move On SmarterEpic Action Item #1Get up your gumption by learning what you can from your mistakes. Stop now and reflect on your mistakes. Make a list of how you can do better next time or avoid the mistake. Move forward.
  2. Set Audacious GoalsEpic Action Item #2Get up your gumption by setting one big goal. Take some time to list all of the goals that you'd like to achieve. Keep this list with you over a few weeks, and each time your thoughts return to one of them, make a mark beside that goal. While you can have more than one, pick one audacious goal. Write it on a card. Keep it with you in your wallet. Read the goal to yourself. Take steps toward creating habits to help that goal become closer to reality.
  3. Make Epic MemoriesEpic Action Item #3Get up your gumption to do something out of the ordinary today. Determine that you're going to get out of the ruts of your past and do extraordinary things to make memories. Do something different.

 Let us know what you think of these great ideas - or better yet, what you plan to do to make 2015 EPIC!Good Luck from all of us, your friendly educators, at KOI Education.