November 5, 2012 Newsletter


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School Team

Spotlight on Behavior Principles

In education, fundamentals are essential. For students, reading is fundamental. For educators, a working knowledge of how to apply behavior principles in our classroom everyday is fundamental. Without it, classroom chaos ensues...and your teacher evaluation score may hit the floor!Forunately, KOI Education has just published their interactive iBook Textbook for the iPad titled Behavior Principles: Core Classroom Management Knowledge for Educators. Be the first in your school todownload a FREE Sample or the entire booklet for .99 cents. That's less the the cost of the two asprin you'll need if you don't apply these evidence-based behavior principles!Click the link above from your iPad or select your iTunes or iBook app from your iPad and search for "Behavior Principles". From there you can read a description of the book, see screen shots, and download a free sample or the entire book. It's a quick and easy read, but a resource that will be in your library forever.In the Behavior Principles iBook you'll learn to:1. Differentiate Form from Function.2. Differentiate Reinforcement from Reward.3. Increase a Behavior you want.4. Decrease a Behavior you don't want.5. Shape a new Behavior your student needs.6. Identify the Only Three Motivation Problems that Exist and solutions for motivating your most challenging students!What do you have to loose? Use your iPad to download a FREE Sample or the entire booklet right now!

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Online Learning:

Demystifying the Psychoeducational Report: The Top 10 Most Common QuestionsHave you ever been at an IEP meeting to review a psychoeducational report and had no idea what the scores meant? Have you ever felt confused, relieved, or angry about the results and conclusions? Often, parents and teachers read a report and struggle to understand what the scores mean and to find answers to their questions. The purpose of this webinar is to give parents and teachers the knowledge necessary to interpret and demystify psychoeducational reports.Register here for this 1 hour webinar on Wednesday, November 14 from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM right from your computer or mobile device at work or home.VIP savings of 20% when you 'Like' ourFacebook page. Promo code is on the Facebook page.

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Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) Principles for Students with Challenging Behaviors

Do you have students who are engaging in challenging behaviors? Have you tried everything and don’t know what else to do? Come learn how to use Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) principles to prevent and intervene with students who are experiencing challenging behaviors. You will walk out of the workshop knowing how to determine what is causing the challenging behavior, why that behavior is occurring and what is maintaining the behavior.Register here for this 6 hour workshop on Saturday, December 1 from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM, includes lunch and refreshments.VIP savings of 20% when you 'Like' our Facebook page. Promo code is on the Facebook page.