PBIS Training for Deer Valley District


Deer Valley rocks! What awesome teams. We had our first day of training with DV schools yesterday and everyone was great. Talk about a smart, friendly, and energetic bunch of educators. The district administration team was also present and learning right along with the schools - a welcome sight for all.In addition to learning about 'the big picture' in PBIS, teams learned how to implement some of the many pieces that make up the PBIS system. Specific steps and practices were taught that allowed team to take action immediately. During the two team time sessions of the day, teams took what they learned and created action plans for moving their school forward - in a collaborative way. Committees were established, decisions were made, emails were sent, and actions were put into motion not to make decisions behind closed doors, but to actively seek and share feedback with school staff, students and parents.Boulder Creek HS discussionSpeaking of students and parents, one school brought two students and a parent to the PBIS training! You Rock! We encourage our schools to do this and specifically request that a parent (and High School student) be a part of our PBIS teams. They bring a unique and rich perspective and contribute a lot to group discussions. Thanks DV!We'll be seeing these schools soon when we conduct site visits at each campus to gather SET evaluation data to help schools monitor their progress and growth.Let us know if you'd like us to come to your campus for a SET Eval. so you can decide if PBIS is needed at your school.