Oct - Coffee Talk Tuesday Summary

October Catch: Data Tips & Tricks

Thank you to everyone who joined us last week for our monthly Coffee Talk chat. If you missed it, please register for the next one on Nov. 14, 2023 on our Events page. If you are already registered, you will be invited to all future chats this school year - no need to register twice.

Analyzing student behavior data within the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework plays a pivotal role in improving school climate and culture. By systematically collecting and analyzing behavioral data, schools gain invaluable insights into student conduct patterns, enabling informed decision-making. This data-driven approach allows educators to identify effective interventions, address behavioral issues promptly, and create a positive learning environment. It not only helps in early identification of at-risk students but also encourages self-awareness and self-regulation among students, fostering a sense of accountability.

Here are some of the discussions we had during the Chat on October 10th, 2023 :

The group discussion highlighted several key points related to implementing PBIS in the school context:

  • Firstly, there was an acknowledgment of the challenges faced in accessing data due to the introduction of a new student management system, indicating a period of adjustment. One school formed a CARE team, with a focus on Tier 3 students, to allow a more targeted approach to behavioral support.

  • Secondly, the discussion revealed varying levels of clarity regarding the definition of minor and major behaviors. While some participants had established systems such as P.R.I.D.E. and behavior flow charts, others lacked clear guidelines. In some schools, minor behavior infractions are not explicitly outlined, suggesting an area that requires attention and development. KOI facilitators shares some free resources to support schools in this area (see resources below).

  • Thirdly, not all participants were familiar with the Big 7 data categories, indicating an opportunity for growth. KOI introduced tools such as the Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS-IE) universal behavior screener and Data Analysis Protocol which both offer a proactive approach to gathering and analyzing data.

  • Lastly, the discussion explored methods of reinforcing positive behavior. While one school uses a ticket-based system and school store, KOI encouraged schools to explore diverse reinforcement strategies using non-tangible and low or no-cost items. Another school emphasized the importance of providing leadership opportunities to students, promoting social skills development alongside behavioral reinforcement. This multifaceted approach highlights the complexity of reinforcing positive behavior and the need for creative solutions tailored to individual school environments.

FREE KOI Resources Shared During the Chat:

Our PBIS Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Manuals explain how to use all these tools.

By sharing and interpreting behavioral insights, educators can collectively develop tailored strategies, cultivating a community-driven approach to positive behavior. This collaborative effort strengthens the school community, emphasizing a shared commitment to nurturing a safe, supportive space where students can thrive academically and emotionally. In essence, leveraging student behavior data within the PBIS framework not only enhances intervention strategies but also fosters a culture of understanding, empathy, and encouragement within the school environment.

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